Ruby Heart [Visual Novel / Otome] for Pc [Windows , Linux, Mac]

 Visual Novel / Otome [Ruby Heart] 

Visual Novel Otome Rubi Heart Cover page

Ruby Heart is a "Visual Novel / Otome game" of fantasy adventure with a strong focus in drama and romance. The protagonist, Celty Loweell, travels to a magical underground kingdom in search for a very important person. down there she finds the clues to finally solve a mystery of her past, but also the knowledge to save her future and her kingdom.

Technical details

Type: Visual Novel / Otome
Languages: English - Spanish
Gender: Drama, romance, mystery, fantasy
Status: In development (ver. 0.4)
Publication date: November 19th
Duration: 2 hours approximately
Public: +16
Platforms: Windows, Linux (Steam), Mac OS X


Visual Novel Otome Rubi Heart Gameplay 01

Visual Novel Otome Rubi Heart Gameplay 02

Visual Novel Otome Rubi Heart Gameplay 03

Visual Novel Otome Rubi Heart Gameplay 04

Download Ruby Heart Visual Novel - Otome

Pc  [Windows, Linux, Mac OS X] 


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